Get Organized in 2012 – Week 14

This week we are going to keep it simple!

It would be unusual for you ever to be able to eliminate an entire collection of any one type of item – no one is going to get rid of all your towels or spices. But it is possible to thin-out groups to live more clutter free. We are going to work on small groups of items, but it will make a big difference in the visual clutter in your home.

Week 14

Day 1. Declutter the knick knacks in your living room and dining room. Pack up some of your favorites, so you can rotate with the seasons or holidays.

Day 2. Limit the blankets and pillow on the beds and couches.I know it’s a style, but try living  more simply and see how you like it.

Day 3. Eliminate any newspapers (older than one week) and magazines (older than 2 months).

Day 4. Go through your entertainment center and let go of unwanted DVDs, CDs and video games.

Day 5. Clear the clutter from your entry. Anything that doesn’t support you getting out the door with ease needs to go somewhere else.

These quick decluttering exercises should make a big difference in your space! They should be done regularly to maintain order in your home.

If you missed week 13 of Get Organized in 2012 check it out here.

Organize Everything – Simplify Life

About Basic Organization

Basic Organization provides professional organizing services to busy families, business owners, down sizing seniors and the chronically disorganized. We can teach you the skills to get organized and live a more simplified life. By providing you with ideas, information, structure and solutions to help you regain control of your space, we can cure the chaos in you life!
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